Clarity Equals Visibility

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Clarity Equals Visibility

September 18, 2020

Branding is more than design. Branding is clarity. Is your value clear? The purpose of branding is to examine the product through the consumer’s experience and distill the value proposition. When done well, powerful intuitive connections drive consumer awareness, conversion, and loyalty. Clarity equals visibility. The degree to which your product draws the attention of the consumer depends on a clear, resonant, and visually organized packaging and communication strategy. Read on for tips that apply to any brand, at any stage.

Pause. At any stage–perhaps, at every stage–brands should pause to reflect on the state of their brand. Schedule regular strategy sessions to review the effectiveness of the current brand.

Be objective. Don’t take for granted the way other people perceive your brand or product. As David Foster Wallace pointed out, a fish doesn’t know water until it leaves the fishbowl. Often, the most important elements of your brand are the hardest to see from the inside. Enlist objective perspectives.

Distill. Can you elegantly articulate your unique value in 10 words or less? Or, do you stumble through the plethora of features and benefits that appeal to a wide variety of consumers?

Recognize who you are and what you do. This process seems fairly straightforward, yet it requires ongoing attention. The intricacy is layered in your identity and how well you know and relate to your target. Keep in mind that change is the only constant. Stay fresh. Be prepared to recommit to your messaging and visual language, regularly.

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